fact mood

[网络] 事实心情



  1. In fact, studies have shown that people who perform kind acts see a boost in mood.
  2. In fact, no pigeon-holing is my mood.
  3. It is in fact the world is the appropriate time coming, but we do not have to meet the appropriate mood.
  4. Not helping matters for dealers lately is the fact that, while their customers offload their bonds on to dealers, the US Treasury appears in no mood to cut the size of its regular 30-year bond auctions.
  5. In fact, except the writer of this play-Osborne, the other writers even have no "angry" mood at all, but contain more decadent color.
  6. The fact that it has reached Syria speaks volumes about the changing mood and psychology in the Arab world.
  7. It is a fact that every effective mood stabilizer blocks the brain process known as kindling, a sensitizing of nerve cells so that they react to even minor provocations with a full-blown mood episode.
  8. A few days ago, no time to write blog, in fact, 4.28, is a memorable day, and completed a major event, the mood may temporarily relax.
  9. In fact, any time, no matter how bad mood, as long as here, to see these charming and moving, vibrant life, there will always be a soft in the heart.
  10. In fact, the night a moment I was lost, I guess he is listening to them, and will not affect the mood to comfort me.
  11. In fact, good mood, the sun always can find me.
  12. In fact, he doesn't go anywhere; just his mood and identity are slightly changed, becomes a stranger in his hometown.
  13. The fact shows that only by an opening cultural perspective and a healthy national cultural mood, can the authors of historical novel gain a modern and new breakthrough in their historical writing of the evolution of Ming and Qing Dynasties and the transformation in modern time.
  14. Under the occasion of the fact that the lower community are calling for the high demand of humanity care at today's society, Lu Wei-ping, a young poet has been sung high praises for their sufferings and hopes upon the writing mood of observing from the lower.
  15. That is also an important fact affected Wang Anshi's mood and feelings in his late years.
  16. In fact, art exhibition, including third national fine arts exhibition, in their international image, adjust the public mood, communication international people and win foreign compassion and acceptance has played a certain role.
  17. In fact, the quality of entrepreneurial team mood plays important impacts on entrepreneurial performance and good entrepreneurial team mood gives the new ventures a competitive edge over other ones without it.